The Brewhouse

Following a major renovation of this 19th Century North Yorkshire village cottage, we were asked to draw up plans for a planting scheme which provided year-round structure, colour, and scent to grow into the newly landscaped stone borders and corridors facing the South side of the cottage. Cottage-style favourites like Salvia, Nepeta, Iris, Lavender, and Geranium are offset with grasses like Miscanthus and Molinia to create rhythm and movement, whilst vast swathes of spring-flowering pastel coloured Tulips and Alliums provide early interest and structure. Box topiary spheres are used throughout the borders at key points to provide punctuation, Yew hedging flank the site perimeters, with a single row of pleached Hornbeam used as a screen to hide away a gated entrance and driveway.

We are currently busy installing a new garden in the North side of the cottage after extensive landscaping, and will share images of this soon!


York Place Harrogate


Grantley Grange